Reasons why I think this is the best city in the world...

Friss topikok



2009.04.09. 23:54 Banna

...because of the bikerides

I love this city because I can ride my bike everywhere I want to go. Even though people say that the Netherlands is the Mecca of bikers, Budapest is pretty cool "bikewise".

I started biking regularly four or five years ago when I decided to clean my old bike (my mtb is at least 15 years old, but it is still loyally taking me anywhere I want to be)...then after biking to dance practice twice a week, I started using my bike for going jogging as well...then for getting everywhere downtown and I went as far as going to work by bike - which allowed me to take this to the extremes sometimes (when officehours are actually not taking place IN the office.)

So bikers can easily get from one point to another in and out of the city IF they want to bike. For me biking is relaxing and fun and gives me time to think and slow down in the daily rush. I just had this "Magic Moment" coming home from the supermarket after work. The bikeroute is going right by the motorway but it was framed with pretty trees blooming and full of fresh green leaves. It was perfect!

Szólj hozzá!

Címkék: work bike magic moment

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